2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan & the Sustainable Communities Strategy
For more information about this plan, contact Heather by email or phone: (831) 264-5086
AMBAG is the MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) for the Monterey Bay Area. As the MPO, AMBAG is required to produce certain documents that maintain the region's eligibility for federal transportation assistance which include the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). AMBAG coordinates the development of the MTP with Regional Transportation Planning Agencies (San Benito County Council of Governments, the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission and the Transportation Agency for Monterey County), transit providers (San Benito County Local Transit Authority, Monterey-Salinas Transit, and Santa Cruz METRO), the Monterey Bay Air Resources District (MBARD), state and federal governments, and organizations having interest in or responsibility for transportation planning and programming. AMBAG also coordinates transportation planning and programming activities with the three counties and 18 local jurisdictions within the tri-county Monterey Bay Region.
AMBAG is developing the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (MTP/SCS). The 2045 MTP/SCS is scheduled for adoption in June 2022. Federal and state law requires that AMBAG prepare a long-range transportation plan every four years. The draft 2045 MTP/SCS was released for public review and comment on November 22, 2021. The close of the public comment period was January 31, 2022. Four public workshops/hearings were held in January 2022.
Notice of Availability of A Partially Recirculated Draft EIR for Public Review
AMBAG has released a Partially Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Section 6.4.2(h) for the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy and associated Regional Transportation Plans (RTPs) for Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz Counties a 46-day public review.
The public review and comment period on this Partially Recirculated Draft EIR begins on April 15, 2022 and ends on May 31, 2022. During this period, the general public, agencies, and organizations may submit written comments on the content of this Partially Recirculated Draft EIR only to AMBAG.
Final 2045 MTP/SCS and Final EIR
On Wednesday, June 15, 2022, the AMBAG Board of Directors certified the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared for the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation/Sustainable Communities Strategy (MTP/SCS); adopted CEQA Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; made a finding that the SCS achieves the greenhouse gas reduction targets established by the California Air Resources Board; adopted the Final 2022 Regional Growth Forecast; and adopted the Final 2045 MTP/SCS.
January 2022 Public Workshops/Hearings
AMBAG held virtual public workshops/hearings on the Draft 2045 MTP/SCS and Draft Environmental Impact Report:
May 2021 Virtual Workshops
AMBAG held virtual workshops to learn about new tools to help shape our future together in collaborative and positive ways.
By 2045, another 107,500 people will likely live in our region. We are also forecasted to create nearly 42,000 new homes and more than 65,000 new jobs! Where will we live? Where will we work? How can we as a region make it easier for our residents to find appropriate housing and get to jobs and other destinations? And how can we best minimize impacts to the environment and maintain a quality of life that is the envy of visitors to our region?
Each virtual workshop began with a presentation describing the Sustainable Communities Strategy and the potential new strategies to help local communities plan for a more sustainable future and high quality of living. During the presentation, various questions were asked in order to gather more input about housing, economic and transportation options for our region.
A short online survey to provide feedback on potential new strategies to gather more input on housing, economic and transportation options was also available for those who were unable attend a workshop.
If you have any issues with accessibility, please contact us at info@ambag.org.
Current Plan
AMBAG Board of Directors June 2022 Meeting
June 15, 2022 | 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Meeting Via GoToWebinar DATE: June 15, 2022 TIME: 6:00 PM
Please register for AMBAG Board of Directors June 15, 2022 Meeting at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7191053858756174096
AMBAG governed by a twenty-four member Board of Directors comprised of elected officials from each City and County within the region. Elected officials from 18 cities and two supervisors from each county make up the AMBAG Board. The AMBAG region includes Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz County. AMBAG serves as both a federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Council of Governments (COG). Required to follow the Brown Act.
For more information about this plan, contact Ana by email or phone: (831) 883-3750
AMBAG Board of Directors Meeting April 2022
April 13, 2022 | 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Meeting Via GoToWebinar
DATE: April 13, 2022
TIME: 6:00 PM
To view recording of this webinar please visit:
For more information about this plan, contact Ana by email or phone: (831) 883-3750
AMBAG Board of Directors March 9, 2022 Meeting
March 09, 2022 | 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Meeting Via GoToWebinar
DATE: March 9, 2022
TIME: 6:00 PM
To view recording of this webinar please visit:
AMBAG governed by a twenty-four member Board of Directors comprised of elected officials from each City and County within the region. Elected officials from 18 cities and two supervisors from each county make up the AMBAG Board. The AMBAG region includes Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz County. AMBAG serves as both a federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Council of Governments (COG). Required to follow the Brown Act.
For more information about this plan, contact Ana by email or phone: (831) 883-3750
2045 MTP/SCS/DEIR Public Workshop/Hearing
January 27, 2022 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Please register for the January 27, 2022 public workshop/hearing at:
For more information about this plan, contact Heather by email or phone: (831) 264-5086
2045 MTP/SCS/DEIR Public Workshop/Hearing
January 24, 2022 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Please register for the January 24, 2022 public workshop/hearing at:
For more information about this plan, contact Heather by email or phone: (831) 264-5086
2045 MTP/SCS/DEIR Public Workshop/Hearing
January 19, 2022 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Please register for the January 19, 2022 public workshop/hearing at:
For more information about this plan, contact Heather by email or phone: (831) 264-5086
AMBAG Board of Directors January 12, 2022 Meeting
January 12, 2022 | 6:00pm - 8:00pm
To view recording on this meeting, please visit:
AMBAG governed by a twenty-four member Board of Directors comprised of elected officials from each City and County within the region. Elected officials from 18 cities and two supervisors from each county make up the AMBAG Board. The AMBAG region includes Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz County. AMBAG serves as both a federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Council of Governments (COG). Required to follow the Brown Act.
For more information about this plan, contact Ana by email or phone: (831) 883-3750
AMBAG Board of Directors
November 10, 2021 | 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Meeting Via GoToWebinar
DATE: November 10, 2021
TIME: 6:00 PM
To view a recording of this meeting: https://www.gotostage.com/channel/7465e0fc843843119081c1cdcb31c269/recording/ef839fa7218046d9a1d6f9c5c30b3cf3/watch
AMBAG governed by a twenty-four member Board of Directors comprised of elected officials from each City and County within the region. Elected officials from 18 cities and two supervisors from each county make up the AMBAG Board. The AMBAG region includes Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz County. AMBAG serves as both a federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Council of Governments (COG). Required to follow the Brown Act.
For more information about this plan, contact Ana by email or phone: (831) 883-3750
2045 MTP/SCS Virtual Public Workshops (San Benito County Focus)
May 19, 2021 | 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Meeting Via GoToWebinar
DATE: May 19, 2021
TIME: 5:30 PM
Please register for 2045 MTP/SCS Virtual Public Workshops (San Benito County Focus) at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6293348785366740494
Public workshops are held throughout the tri-county region at key milestones of the development of the MTP/SCS. The workshops are typically held in the evening and designed in an open house format with a variety of stations to provide one-on-one discussion and to create a more comfortable and meaningful environment for participants. Materials are provided in both English and Spanish and translation services were available at most of the workshops.
For more information about this plan, contact Heather by email or phone: (831) 264-5086
2045 MTP/SCS Virtual Public Workshops (Santa Cruz County Focus)
May 18, 2021 | 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Meeting Via GoToWebinar
DATE: May 18, 2021
TIME: 5:30 PM
Please register for 2045 MTP/SCS Virtual Public Workshops (Santa Cruz County Focus) at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8014815658068621582
Public workshops are held throughout the tri-county region at key milestones of the development of the MTP/SCS. The workshops are typically held in the evening and designed in an open house format with a variety of stations to provide one-on-one discussion and to create a more comfortable and meaningful environment for participants. Materials are provided in both English and Spanish and translation services were available at most of the workshops.
For more information about this plan, contact Heather by email or phone: (831) 264-5086
2045 MTP/SCS Virtual Public Workshops (Monterey County Focus)
May 10, 2021 | 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Meeting Via GoToWebinar
DATE: May 10, 2021
TIME: 5:30 PM
Please register for 2045 MTP/SCS Virtual Public Workshops (Monterey County Focus) at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/867122562850249230
Public workshops are held throughout the tri-county region at key milestones of the development of the MTP/SCS. The workshops are typically held in the evening and designed in an open house format with a variety of stations to provide one-on-one discussion and to create a more comfortable and meaningful environment for participants. Materials are provided in both English and Spanish and translation services were available at most of the workshops.
For more information about this plan, contact Heather by email or phone: (831) 264-5086
AMBAG Board of Directors
April 14, 2021 | 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Meeting Via GoToWebinar
DATE: April 14, 2021
TIME: 6:00 PM
Please register for the AMBAG Board of Directors meeting at:
The AMBAG Board of Director's April 14th Meeting Agenda contains scanned images. The following documents are provided by outside agencies. The TAMC Project List for the 2045 MTP/SCS and RTP, SBtCOG Project List for the 2045 MTP/SCS and RTP, SCCRTC Project List for the 2045 MTP/SCS and RTP, and the Draft Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure (CAPTI). Please contact Ana Flores at aflores@ambag.org or at 831-883-3750 if you have problems accessing the information.
AMBAG governed by a twenty-four member Board of Directors comprised of elected officials from each City and County within the region. Elected officials from 18 cities and two supervisors from each county make up the AMBAG Board. The AMBAG region includes Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz County. AMBAG serves as both a federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Council of Governments (COG). Required to follow the Brown Act.
For more information about this plan, contact Ana by email or phone: (831) 883-3750
AMBAG Board of Directors
March 10, 2021 | 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Meeting Via GoToWebinar
DATE: March 10, 2021
TIME: 6:00 PM
Please register for the AMBAG Board of Directors meeting at:
The following documents are provided by outside agencies. The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary 2020 Accomplishments, TAMC Project List for the 2045 MTP/SCS and RTP, SBtCOG Project List for the 2045 MTP/SCS and RTP, and SCCRTC Project List for the 2045 MTP/SCS and RTP. Please contact Ana Flores at aflores@ambag.org or at 831-883-3750 if you have problems accessing the information.
AMBAG governed by a twenty-four member Board of Directors comprised of elected officials from each City and County within the region. Elected officials from 18 cities and two supervisors from each county make up the AMBAG Board. The AMBAG region includes Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz County. AMBAG serves as both a federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Council of Governments (COG). Required to follow the Brown Act.
For more information about this plan, contact Ana by email or phone: (831) 883-3750
AMBAG Board of Directors
January 13, 2021 | 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Meeting Via GoToWebinar
DATE: January 13, 2021
TIME: 6:00 PM
Please register for the AMBAG Board of Directors meeting at:
The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for FY 2019-2020 and the US 101 Business Plan Fact Sheet Flyer contain scanned images and information provided by a third party. Please contact Ana Flores at aflores@ambag.org or at 831-883-3750 if you have problems accessing the information.
AMBAG governed by a twenty-four member Board of Directors comprised of elected officials from each City and County within the region. Elected officials from 18 cities and two supervisors from each county make up the AMBAG Board. The AMBAG region includes Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz County. AMBAG serves as both a federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Council of Governments (COG). Required to follow the Brown Act.
For more information about this plan, contact Ana by email or phone: (831) 883-3750
AMBAG Board of Directors
September 09, 2020 | 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Meeting Via GoToWebinar
DATE: September 9, 2020
TIME: 6:00 PM
Please register for the AMBAG Board of Directors meeting at
The Water Quality MOA 2015 and the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary presentation comes from a third party and contains scanned images. Please contact Ana Flores at aflores@ambag.org or at 831-883-3750 if you have problems accessing the information.
AMBAG governed by a twenty-four member Board of Directors comprised of elected officials from each City and County within the region. Elected officials from 18 cities and two supervisors from each county make up the AMBAG Board. The AMBAG region includes Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz County. AMBAG serves as both a federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Council of Governments (COG). Required to follow the Brown Act.
For more information about this plan, contact Ana by email or phone: (831) 883-3750
2045 MTP/SCS/RTPs EIR Scoping Meeting
Simpkins Center
January 22, 2020 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Simpkins Center
979 17th Avenue, Santa Cruz, 95062
Public workshops are held throughout the tri-county region at key milestones of the development of the MTP/SCS. The workshops are typically held in the evening and designed in an open house format with a variety of stations to provide one-on-one discussion and to create a more comfortable and meaningful environment for participants. Materials are provided in both English and Spanish and translation services were available at most of the workshops.
For more information about this plan, contact Heather by email or phone: (831) 264-5086
2045 MTP/SCS/RTPs EIR Scoping Meeting
San Benito County
January 23, 2020 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
San Benito County
481 4th Street, Hollister, 95023
Public workshops are held throughout the tri-county region at key milestones of the development of the MTP/SCS. The workshops are typically held in the evening and designed in an open house format with a variety of stations to provide one-on-one discussion and to create a more comfortable and meaningful environment for participants. Materials are provided in both English and Spanish and translation services were available at most of the workshops.
For more information about this plan, contact Heather by email or phone: (831) 264-5086
2045 MTP/SCS/RTPs EIR Scoping Meeting
Marina Library Community Room
January 29, 2020 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Marina Library Community Room
190 Seaside Circle, Marina, 93933
Public workshops are held throughout the tri-county region at key milestones of the development of the MTP/SCS. The workshops are typically held in the evening and designed in an open house format with a variety of stations to provide one-on-one discussion and to create a more comfortable and meaningful environment for participants. Materials are provided in both English and Spanish and translation services were available at most of the workshops.
For more information about this plan, contact Heather by email or phone: (831) 264-5086
Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG) Board of Directors
Greenfield Civic Center
April 10, 2019 | 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Greenfield Civic Center
599 El Camino Real, Greenfield, 93926
AMBAG governed by a twenty-four member Board of Directors comprised of elected officials from each City and County within the region. Elected officials from 18 cities and two supervisors from each county make up the AMBAG Board. The AMBAG region includes Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz County. AMBAG serves as both a federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Council of Governments (COG). Required to follow the Brown Act.
For more information about this plan, contact Ana by email or phone: (831) 883-3750
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