Bicycle Travel Demand Modeling Project
For more information about this program, contact Bhupendra by email or phone: (831) 264-5091
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To improve planning for bicyclists The Monterey Bay Area Regional Bicycle Travel Demand Model project analyzes:
- bike counts
- route data
- inventories of existing bike facilities
- a survey of travel behavior
Funding for the Bicycle Travel Demand Model is provided by the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District (MBUAPCD) through the AB 2766 Emission Reduction Grant Program. The Bicycle Travel Demand Model will assist the Air District and local planners in conducting benefit-cost analyses of bicycle projects while assisting AMBAG with meeting SB 375 mandated regional GHG targets.

Project Phases
The Bicycle Travel Demand Model project consists of two phases.
- Phase 1 The first phase, completed in March of 2013, consisted of data collection and model estimation and resulted in a standalone modeling tool. As AMBAG staff worked with stakeholders, bike modeling experts, and the consultant team, a number of enhancements to the tool surfaced, bringing about in a second phase to the project.
- Phase 2 The second phase of the Bicycle Travel Demand Model development was completed in June of 2015. The final phase included improved data collection through a route mapping application, refinement of the modeling tool for consistency with the Regional Travel Demand Model (RTDM), and increasing the functionality of the modeling tool. The completed tool will be made available through AMBAG's ftp server as a download for use by any interested parties once a MUA is signed.