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Electric Vehicle Planning


For more information about this plan, contact Amaury by email or phone: (831) 264-5089

AMBAG holds a seat on the Steering Committee for the Monterey Bay Electric Vehicle Alliance (MBEVA). MBEVA is a grass-roots, public-private partnership comprised of diverse stakeholders in the tri-county region of Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz counties whose overall goal is to assure the region is EV-ready.

AMBAG has prepared a suitability study that identifies the best places for electric vehicle charging stations throughout the tri-county area based on level of activity. The Electric Vehicle Infrastructure for the Monterey Bay Area study, funded by a Monterey Bay Area Unified Air Pollution Control District AB 2766 grant, has been incorporated into other EV plans being developed in the region and is used to help site locations for new EV charging stations.

Current Plan

Current Plan Version

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